On September 14-19, 2020, the 11th edition of Spirometry Days will take place under the patronage of the Polish Society of Allergology. This year, the slogan of this event is “Safe spirometry in the age of a pandemic”.
As part of the editions so far, 65,000 spirometric tests have been performed, during which nearly 11,500 obturations have been revealed. Most of the surveyed people entered the further diagnostic path in order to make an appropriate diagnosis of obstructive disease, asthma or COPD
However, the current pandemic situation requires a new form of Spirometry Days, during which the principles of safe spirometry will be promoted in line with the recommendations of the ERS / ATS, as well as the PTA. The organizers will encourage patients to perform the examination in a telemedicine procedure.
More about Spirometry Days at: http://www.astma-alergia-pochp.pl/component/content/article/15-aktualnoci/272-pandemia?Itemid=188