We invite you to participate in the International Severe Asthma Forum organized by EAACI, which will be held on Saturday, April 17, 2021 in the on-line formula. ISAF Digital 2021 aims to bring together scientists and clinicians with wide experience, from young scientists and physicians to medical leaders and authorities, in a meeting devoted to broad aspects of severe asthma. The program of the meeting aims to encourage scientific cooperation and facilitate the translation of new discoveries into clinical practice for the benefit of patients with severe asthma.
We especially recommend the Joint Session PTA-EAACI, which will take place on April 17 at 15.00 – experts of the Society will present Polish experience in the diagnosis and treatment of severe asthma, including biological therapy.
Science program ISAF – www.eaaci.org/focused-meetings/isaf-digital-2021/scientific-programme.
Registering – www.eaaci.org/focused-meetings/isaf-digital-2021/registration.