W imieniu EAACI zachęcamy Państwa do poparcia akcji „United action for allergy and asthma”. Jest to inicjatywa kierowana do władz Unii Europejskiej mająca na celu zwrócenie uwagi na wagę chorób alergicznych. Wystarczy tylko kilka kliknięć by wspomóc starania w ulżeniu 220 milionów alergików w Europie – zapraszamy!
‘United Action for Allergy and Asthma’
Be part of the campaign
25 April 2017 marked the launch of a campaign to raise awareness and improve health programmes surrounding allergy and asthma at EU and national levels.
Read the official press release here.
As key initiators of the initiative, EAACI alongside EFA and the European Interest Group for Allergy and Asthma organised a public launch event that welcomed 90 people at the European Parliament in Brussels.
Members of European Parliament united with national society representatives, medical professionals and individuals, all concerned with improving healthcare policies, for a two hour interactive discussion session which was hosted by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, Finland), MEP Karin Kadenbach (S&D, Austria), MEP Nathalie Griesbeck (ALDE, France).
From now until the end of September 2017, we will be calling on all interested parties; individuals as well as organisations, to sign online and join this move to support stronger and improved allergy and asthma policies.
A sincere thank you for your proactive support of this valuable initiative,
Antonella Muraro
EAACI President