The European Respiratory Society and International Respiratory Coalition meeting is starting today, entitled “Transforming Chronic Respiratory Care in a Post-pandemic World”.
Lasting on June 28-29 this year. the event will involve leaders of world and European pulmonology as well as representatives of governments and state institutions from all over Europe. The aim of the meeting is to exchange experiences in the field of appropriate diagnostics and therapy of lung diseases and allergic diseases of the respiratory system (such as COPD, asthma and others) in a popandemic reality.
ERS Secretary General and Signatory of the Coalition for Asthma Treatment, prof. Joanna Chorostowska-Wynimko, will represent the Coalition and will introduce its assumptions to the participants of the IRC Summit. The discussion among the most prominent experts will be an opportunity to present the Polish treatment organization, among others asthma and gaining knowledge about solutions used in this field in other countries. Thanks to the participation of representatives of the Coalition for Asthma Treatment in such meetings, we have the opportunity to act more effectively for the benefit of Polish patients.
We invite you to participate and jointly create ambitious strategies for the treatment of respiratory diseases based on the best practices. Details at the link: